The Guy

iomotix has been conceived and developed by Eric Ptak. 30 year old Eric has spent the past 6 years as an experienced R&D engineer. He started to dream about Internet controllable things at the age of 14 and obtained a Masters Degree in Telecom Engineering in 2008.
His specialties lie in network protocols, software development and embedded electronics.

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In 2012, Eric released WebIOPi to the world and then spent much of his spare time improving it. WebIOPi became a successful and popular IoT framework for the Raspberry Pi that now exceeds 50k downloads.
It has been featured on Hackaday, Adafruit, MagPi, Pi Geek Magazine and in many Maker Blogs. It is used by all kinds of people for their connected projects ranging from School kids to Industry, Hobbyists and adult workshops.

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After successful experiments and implementation, WebIOPi has been renamed iomotix. The code has been expanded to include all Linux and Python capable boards and devices, with many more features and improvements. Existing hardware may be utilized to start making cross-platform connected things with a seamless framework. If you want to upgrade or try other hardware, you wont have to change your code!